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The Lakehouse Bakery
Writer's pictureKeegan Rodgers

What does The Lakehouse Bakery have in common with baseball?

Curveballs and Home Runs: A Personal Story of Determination and Perseverance

When I was a kid, one of my favorite memories was going to Tiger Stadium and watching a baseball game. Even during my teenage years in foster care, the joy of going to a ball game was something I always held onto. I’ll never forget the first time I saw Jim Abbott play. My foster family took me to a University of Michigan game, and I was amazed by his skill. A few years later, in Millington, TN, I watched him again as he practiced with Team USA for the 1988 Olympics. (Team USA won the Gold that year!)

In 1989, Jim Abbott was drafted by the California Angels, beginning his 10-year Major League career. One of the highlights of that career was his 1993 no-hitter, an incredible accomplishment! When he first entered the Major League, I got his baseball card—it’s the only one I’ve ever owned. Of course, I stored it in a cookbook (where else?), for safekeeping.

Fast forward to last week: I saw that the Chelsea District Library was hosting an event where Mr. Abbott would be speaking about overcoming adversity. I was super excited! But, as I put the event on my calendar, I realized I had a class to teach at the Dexter Library that same evening. I was crushed.

Determined not to miss out, I reached out to some friends at the Chelsea library, hoping there was some way I could meet Mr. Abbott before my class. To my joy, they arranged a brief meeting for me at the exhibit before his talk!

The next hurdle? Finding that baseball card. With over 200 cookbooks in my collection, I wasn’t even sure which one held the card. I searched for days, racking my brain, wondering if I’d lost it. Had I lent out the cookbook? Was it in storage? Panic started to creep in, but on Monday evening, after carefully combing through my bookshelves, I found it!

When Wednesday arrived, I was nervous. Part of me was sure Jim Abbott would sign my card, but the super fan in me worried something might go wrong. When he walked in, he was gracious and kind. We talked about when I watched him play, and he remarked that he hadn’t heard about Team USA in a while. I explained that his is the only baseball card I’ve ever owned, and asked if he’d sign it. He smiled and said he’d be happy to.

As he handed the card back to me, my face lit up. We chatted for a few more minutes, but then it was time for me to head to my class. I thanked him once more and left, holding that signed card tightly.

On the drive to Dexter, I reflected on why his was the only card I’d ever kept. I realized that Jim Abbott’s determination, perseverance, and success were a beacon for me, showing that anything is possible, no matter the challenges life throws at you.

So, what does The Lakehouse Bakery have in common with baseball? Both prove that even when you get thrown a curveball or two, you can still hit a home run! It takes determination, perseverance, and maybe a little luck, but anything is possible.

The Lakehouse Bakery is my home run!

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